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Hageland - Belgium


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2019
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Hageland is a beautiful region that's situated in the province Flemish-Brabant in Belgium. A little region with lots of history and a beautiful nature.

Hageland is a beautiful region that's situated in the province Flemish-Brabant in Belgium. A little region with lots of history and a beautiful nature.

Very nice. I guess I will ask: are you folks "social distancing" and doing okay health-wise.
we are doing our best here for social distancing and more and more people are realizing the danger of covid-19
We are now in what they call a light lockdown. lot's of people are home (except essential jobs), we may only leave the house for buying food or going to work and all the rest is prohibeted. we make take a walk around the house and take a cycle but max with 2 people. everything more than 2 is not allowed. Very defficult for the moment over here becuse nobody knows what the future will bring.
The wife works in an old folks home and i'm a forklift instructor, my job is not essential so i'm restricted at home. :-( nothing to do do about that, because since yesterday they started to give fine's when you don't obay. So dark times for us and then there are countries where it's even harder, a lot harder.

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